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Saturday, March 5, 2016

Election Year Observations

What follows is a collection of articles and videos that I've shared over the past few months relating to the Democratic and Republic nominating process, and the candidates for their respective parties' nominations, and some of the issues that have been raised. Almost all of this is culled from what I have posted on Facebook, but in the interests of establishing a more thoughtful presence on this blog, here goes. 

I welcome feedback (but please be respectful...)

3-5-16 This very short video of Ted Cruz from his college days speaks for itself. Not that 18 year old boys don't evolve, thank goodness they do, but this one - not so much.
Ted Cruz seeks World Domination

3-3-16 Bernie may not seem to care about Hillary's 'damned emails' but Obama's Attorney General's office seems to... “DOJ does not give immunity without something valuable from a potential target like Bryan Pagliano. The situation just got more precarious,” tweeted Mr. Turley, a law professor at the George Washington University.
Washington Times article on granting immunity to Bryan Pagliano (the guy who set up Hillary's private email system)

3-1-16 This is a long read but is very helpful in understanding just what the hell is going on (to borrow a quote, with ironic intent). This has been shared frequently by friends on FB.
Vox Article on Authoritarianism and the Rise of Trump

2-29-16 This is the widely circulated (i.e., 60 million views) takedown of Trump by John Oliver. It's hilarious and if you haven't seen it, why not?
John Oliver on Trump / Drumpf

2-28-16 Holy Moly... Tulsi Gabbard, 1 of 5 Vice Chairs of DNC until she resigned today to endorse Bernie Sanders, is active in Hawaii National Guard, an American Samoan, a Hindu, and a Congresswoman. Take THAT Hillary Clinton.
Tulsi Gabbard endorses Bernie, steps down from DNC

2-26-16 Alternative reality alert. I think that something is really wrong. Has anyone measured gravity lately, or the speed of light? I think we've gone off the deep end, which might be because the earth is flat, or time travel is possible. The answer may not be 42 after all.
38% of Floridians think it's possible Ted Cruz is Zodiac killer...

2-25-16 Not a direct election year post, but why are the candidates NOT talking about this?
Burn Pits and Veterans' Getting Sick

2-22-16 Just read the wikipedia article on HRC, and I have to say, though I am not a big fan, you have to give the woman credit for breaking down barriers since the start of her professional life, before the White House was even a real possibility for her or even Bill. She has a solid history of making massive strides for women and children world wide (yes I know, welfare reform and other bad shit, but read the article). The list of her accomplishments is impressive. I love Bernie and his passion, and recognize he is tapping in to a deep well of distrust and frustration that the Clintons helped dig, and which makes me want for more from our country. But if you look at Hillary's positives (and not just her negatives), she is pretty amazing. I would suggest to all the Bernie supporters out there to remind yourself of what she has done, read this article, take a deep breath, and be ready to get behind her if Bernie doesn't make it. President Trump is just too awful a possibility.
Wikipedia on Hillary Clinton

2-18-16 More on Scalia's death than on the Presidential race, but they're related... 
"[Scalia] was no more an originalist than the man on the moon. What was originalist about Bush v. Gore? What was originalist about the Second Amendment decision? What was originalist about Citizens United for God’s sake...? We have been regulating campaign contributions since the late 19th century. Where in the Constitution does it say that money is speech? Originalism? Are you kidding me? But in any event, if you believe that, then the president has a solemn responsibility to make a nomination and the Senate has a solemn responsibility to consider it seriously, right?"

2-18-16 Michael Dukakis - love him or hate him, he's right on. The full interview is amazing in its candidness about way more than Scalia, who was his classmate in law school. 
Dukakis on Scalia and the open SCOTUS seat

2-17-16 Inside dope on what might be playing out in the White House in terms of SCOTUS nomination. Very interesting. 
SCOTUS Blog on Obama's Options

2-14-16 Just the Facts Ma'am
SCOTUS Blog on history of court vacancies

"Bad political maneuvering" says former RNC head Michael Steele of the move by

Republicans to block an appointment to SCOTUS. Michael Steele on Republicans 

intransigence over SCOTUS vacancy

2-10-16 I love good infographics. Rowan (14) watched this with me and was blown away.
Income Inequality video

2-10-16 NH Primary Results town by town
NHPR Primary Results by Town

2-9-16 Feminists of a Certain Age. A wonderful read about the pressure for women to vote for Hillary, and why younger women's draw to Bernie is proof of the distance we've actually traversed. Shasta Willson article on Women's (Lack of) Support for Hillary Clinton

2-8-16 Check out this coverage by "The Real News" of the Bernie rally yesterday. Familiar face (i.e., mine) around 2:00 minutes in.
The Real News covers Bernie Rally in Portsmouth, NH

2-8-16 Bernie vs. Hillary in historical context. I begged people to read this before they voted.
Bernie vs Hillary and then a friend urged people to read this one Slate Article on Hillary as better candidate

2-8-16 Plug for a book (I haven't read) on the rise of the Koch Brothers and how their family has ties to Nazi Germany. 
Democracy Now interview with author

2-3-16 I do not think it is a good idea for Hillary to get in a fight with Bernie over who is more progressive. Actually, I don't think this is a good idea for either of them. But if you are interested in who receives the lion's share of lobbying money from Wall Street interests (spoiler alert - it's not Bernie Sanders...), this is where to go . Even if you already get the idea, this is eye opening. It shows just who sponsors that top rated reality show, "Survivor - the POTUS Primary".
Open Secrets on Super PAC support for politicians and POTUS candidates

2-2-16 My little rant on FB after the Iowa caucuses: "I don't understand why they don't look at all the delegate ties in Iowa (i.e., statewide) and give half to one candidate and half to the other. What is the rationale for bringing chance into it? It's embarrassing how undemocratic and just plain butt headed our voting system is. From caucuses to electronic voting fraud to super delegates to brokered party conventions to campaign finance freeforall to winner takes all to the electoral college to voting on TUESDAYS! Who with a straight face can really say this is a democracy? This goes for both parties."

2-2-16 Investing in students who have no money is a good bet, especially because they pay back their loans rather than take huge risks (like Wall Street continues to do) under the correct impression that the feds will just bail them out if they screw up. (I said in response to a meme about Elizabeth Warren saying "If Wall Street can borrow money at 0.75% interest, so can college students. We need to stop treating students as profit centers."

1-30-16 Don Trump on Team America: “We don’t do anything — we’re not good....we’re going to get used to winning again. We’re going to win at the military, we’re going to win at the border, we’re going to win on trade.” His vision is one in which everyone else in the world is either our enemy or our competitor, which is a vision of a dangerous world. It's not smart and it's not safe. 
Salon article on Trump dumbing it down

1-27-16 "The first votes will be cast in Iowa in just eleven days. Anyone who shrugs and claims that change is just too hard has crawled into bed with the billionaires who want to run this country like some private club." Elizabeth Warren. Works for those on both ends of the political spectrum (not so much for those in the middle).

1-27-16 Hillary Clinton is "the most qualified candidate for president of the political system we now have. But Bernie Sanders is the most qualified candidate to create the political system we should have, because he’s leading a political movement for change."
Robert Reich nails it.

1-21-16 Anniversary of SCOTUS decision on Citizens United, which FB grabbed as a fun memory from my wall 5 years earlier. I noted that 'Those were the days, Citizens' United, followed by the sequel, playing now, Citizens Disempowered...' 

1-21-16 A plug for a grassroots campaign to get big money out of politics, in the spirit of one of NH's hero's Granny D (who ran for Senate against Judd Gregg and pulled a surprising chunk of the vote for a protest candidate who was in her 90s at the time. 
Democracy Now interview with Granny D (Dorris Haddock)
Website of NH Rebellion, which keeps up the fight for campaign finance reform

1-21-16 Old Elizabeth Warren interview / video talking about how Hillary got bought. Tells it like it is. Make sure you watch to the end, there is a kicker. So very heartbreaking.
Vimeo video of Sen Elizabeth Warren

1-21-16 Two ads, two visions.
Hillary ad
Bernie Ad

1-19-16 UNH-WMUR poll showing Bernie with a Yuge lead (and my daughter Haley works at the UNH survey center and made some of the calls). 
WMUR/UNH poll of NH voters in advance of NH primary

1-10-16 Wishing Trump was faking it, but this reminds me that he - and we - are part of a bigger, more global picture. Of course.
Guardian take on Trump as to-be-expected

1-1-16 Happy New Year. The first post of the Year is a look-back at the Republican hero Ronald Reagan, whom this Salon author refers to as 'a cipher' in this illuminating article. 
Salon on Reagan

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